The two processes complement each other and we very much welcome the step of the united states away from confrontation.
I am confident these processes will, in the end, come to a similar conclusion.
One of the processes of your life is to constantly break down that inferiority, to constantly reaffirm that I Am Somebody.
A lot of multinationals have long, drawn-out processes and are pretty useless at putting products on the shelves quickly.
I think that historical processes have meaning and that we have to accept this - or else face utter despair.
Words for mental processes are all derived from physical things.
It's soothing to realize that my mind's processes are inherently uncontrollable.
Harman had great brands, but the processes were falling apart.
Technology takes processes of yesterday and makes it simpler, faster, accessible, and more cost efficient.
Hollows are one of the surprises in terms of the geological processes that shape the surface at small scales.
We are taking important steps in the processes of integration and attracting investment with this customs union.
That's what peace processes are about - changing bullets for votes.
I think the intuitive processes of discovery are the same, very much the same, in the arts as in the sciences.
It is processes that are important.
The board says, 'We have put in processes to keep us compliant and as far as we know, we are,'.