Adequate protein intake not only helps to promote good health but it also promotes good looks.
After a workout, I have a protein drink and always keep a protein bar in my bag.
Alzheimer's disease starts when a protein that should be folded up properly misfolds into a kind of demented origami.
Because the protein and fiber in beans delay stomach emptying, you feel fuller longer and have a delayed return of hunger.
Calories from protein affect your brain, your appetite control center, so you are more satiated and satisfied.
Enzymes called proteases break down proteins within the stomach and small intestine. While in saliva, amylases break down carbohydrates and lipases break down fats.
Foods rich in protein and fiber keep children feeling fuller for longer.
Good-quality protein is very hard to come by in prison. Tuna is good, but tuna doesn't have texture. Mackerel is meaty.
Having a higher protein portion is going to help fill you up and that's beneficial if you're trying to lose weight.
I always bring a post-workout protein shake with me and some cereal for the mornings.
I don't combine proteins and carbohydrates.
I drink a lot of protein shakes and do a lot of weight lifting.
I drink protein shakes when I travel. That is how I maintain myself, and I exercise six days a week.
I eat 30/40 grammes of carbohydrates, 30/40 grammes of proteins with every meal.
I eat a lot of protein - steak in the morning, steak in the afternoon, fish, chicken.
I usually have my protein at lunch and my carbs at night - I don't mix protein and carbs.
I use Ecoco EcoStyler gel, but the alcohol-free protein one. That's the key.
I like a protein shake after the gym; I think that's important. I also eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
It's all about the whey protein and multi-mineral complexes I consume - it's good for my hair, and it's good for my skin.
The highest-quality protein in nature is whey.
I probably have five protein shakes a day.
If I wanted to eat all the protein I need from food, I would have to eat something like 10 chickens per day. That is impossible.
I like a good protein and fat breakfast, so avocado, bacon, eggs, and some veggies.
The higher a flour's protein content, the more structure and elasticity it will lend a dough.