Although there is currently no drug proven to make someone tell the truth, some countries like russia, canada, and india use truth serums.
Although the frescoes have proven very resilient, there is a small part of the sky in the panel depicting Noah's escape which is missing, due to an explosion at a nearby gunpowder depot in 1797 that caused the plaster to fall off.
Squirrels have been proven to run at speeds of 20 miles per hour, however generally, most squirrels run half this.
I feel like I've proven that I can be a starter in this league, and I want to be respected in that way.
If Donald Trump's candidacy has proven anything, it's that the media has no idea what Americans care about.
The average IQ in America is - and this can be proven mathematically - average.
I think I've proven that I'm more than just a TV singer. I was always more than that, even before I went on TV.
The Islamic State has proven that terrorists can seize and deploy modern military equipment on lesser-armed opponents.
I've proven I can hang in there, go through adversity, and pull tricks out of the bag.
President Obama has proven himself to be a terrible negotiator. I don't support any trade deal negotiated by his administration.
Aggression has proven to get people in trouble, in many ways, with the champions.
Cain has proven himself as the best heavyweight of all time, and it would be hard to strip him.
Airbnb has proven that hospitality, generosity, and the simple act of trust between strangers can go a long way.
Nikki Haley is a proven leader. And that is what she should be judged on.
Today they have proven once again that the mainstream media can't print enough bad news about our troops.
I think I have proven that I can play any type of character.
HIV's never been proven to cause AIDS. HIV ain't ever killed anybody.
I've got nothing to prove. I've already proven to everybody that I'm untouchable.
India has large proven reserves of gas that remain unexploited.
Weve proven that we can work together. We did for four straight bills.
We shall return to proven ways - not because they are old, but because they are true.
People follow proven formulas in any business.
Highlight just hasn't proven to be very addictive to either me or my friends. We talk about it often. I keep running it.
The technical solutions are all proven and tested, what is needed is the political will to make a decision.
I think I've proven that I've improved every part of my game.
It's been proven in Washington It's very hard to negotiate and try to get a deal done in public.
You know, it's been proven that 35 to 40 hours a year with one-on-one attention, a student can get one grade level higher.
I think I've finally proven something to people who were cynical about me. Because they were cruel.