This provides a counter-narrative to all the action hero, buffoon images that we see.
It is not what you read that provides knowledge, but those you meet and learn from .
Life provides material for its agitation which makes its general views comprehensible to the masses.
Providence provides but short horns for the fierce ox.
The station also provides valuable opportunities to test spacecraft systems and equipment and act as a staging base for possible missions to the Moon or Mars.
I believe this provides ample time for Congress to act.
This settlement provides meaningful relief to victims (and) brings greater transparency to comcast's privacy practices.
Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.
Choose one that provides broad spectrum uva protection, since these are the rays that are most linked to melanin production.
Speed provides the one genuinely modern pleasure.
Teach For America provides one of the most critical pipelines for bringing new talent into public education.
Hope provides comfort, and hope does not always require probability.
In this constrained budget environment, excellence provides the best value for the american taxpayer.
The partnership with BlueStone provides visibility to regaining volume growth.
Comedy provides an escape from the horrors of real life.
Heredity provides for the modification of its own machinery.
The NLRB provides important protections to American workers.
Competition is good for consumers. It provides more choices at better prices.
'Day Men' provides a magnificent challenge in that it deals with a secret society within a secret society.
We need a system that provides mortgage credit in good times and bad to a broad range of creditworthy borrowers.
The Internet provides a delivery system for pathological states of mind.
Living en famille provides the strongest motives for rudeness combined with the maximum opportunity for displaying it.
I want to do more and more; it provides me with an incentive.
Film provides an opportunity to marry the power of ideas with the power of images.
In digital world, sport provides opportunity to bring people together.
The United States provides Israel with crucial security and economic aid and invaluable political backing in the international arena.
Our diaspora provides a platform for a stronger relationship between India and ASEAN countries.
Feel provides an important channel of information.
Science provides an understanding of a universal experience. Arts provide a universal understanding of a personal experience.