Ask no questions and hear no lies.
One fool may ask more questions than seven wise men can answer.
A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer.
Ask no questions and hear no lies .
A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can.
Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.
If you truly want honesty, don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to.
The real scholar is not afraid to ask questions of his pupil.
The wise man asks questions of himself; the fool questions others.
One fool may ask more questions than ten wise men can answer.
One who is afraid of asking questions is ashamed of learning.
Fools ask questions that wise men cannot answer.
Hasty questions require slow answers.
A fool can ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.
A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.
If you are getting questions and comments.
The subjects have to come with questions for me. I don't make films where I'm a massive fan.
Almost all important questions are important precisely because they are not susceptible to quantitative answer.
This is one of the major unanswered questions about the second amendment.
The simplest questions are the hardest to answer.
Valid questions are better than invalid assumptions.
My instincts for asking questions is to press but not to be a jerk about it.
Questions are a burden to others; answers are a prison for oneself.
I do know dumb-ass questions when I see dumb-ass questions.
We have a team of people to answer questions about donors.
One of the key questions for prosecutors is how high up in the company this goes.
You have to ask a lot of questions and listen to people, but eventually, you have to go by your own instincts.