Rarely do pens go dry in restaurants.
I don't realize how rare it is to genuinely have sincere love for everyone you work with. Especially in Hollywood, but even in life.
It is a very rare man who does not victimize the helpless.
I rarely drink, I don't smoke, so my vice is probably creating. I'm addicted to creating. And women.
I see a consistency in him that's rare in most human beings and politicians.
As an actor, it's very rare that you get a choice in a matter. But you're always looking for something that has some gravitas.
When you work in television, it's an isolating experience. You rarely ever get to watch it with an audience.
And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days.
Rare is agreement between beauty and modesty.
Hackers rarely have full knowledge of the technology stack of a target.
Systemic change rarely comes overnight.
Very rarely do I talk off the top of my head on stage. I'm not an improv guy. I'm a writer-guy who presents what he's written.
I'm super serious about that stuff. I mean, it's rare that I sit down at a drum set when I'm not touring, because we tour so much.
I think I'm one of the rare people out there who still cares about the game of basketball.
I rarely meet a lot of the people who buy and collect my work.
It's really rare to get both of them and they still don't know what caused it, I'm kind of an anomaly.
It's very rare that they come back for seconds and if that is the case, you have to get some more out of its way.
It's very rare for a cold front to move through in July. It has happened before, but it's anomalous.
This is quite rare to find any fund that is using this as part of their strategy.
For the most part, it's rare that we have good outcomes after failed fertilization.
Families very rarely can take on the extra money of an SBA loan.
Very rarely do civil rights get granted. They usually have to be demanded and fought for, confirmation.
It's rare that you see an artist in his 30s or 40s able to really contribute something amazing.
Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.
It's extremely rare to find one with a close connection to a founding father.
Costco is a rare company.
We rarely go into poses that require deep forward bending, twisting and binding.
There were rare instances of women whose lung function improved significantly, but most improved with stabilization.
Some of the other rare minerals are also only known from a thimbleful.
The death penalty is on the books, but rarely carried out.