We can schedule this meeting regardless of international events between our foreign ministries.
Regardless of your decision, Mr. Noor is going to have to live with the fact that he took an innocent life.
Regardless of the creation of the oversight board, the missed payments on July 1 will constitute defaults.
All people, regardless of whether they're athletes or not, should treat people the way they want to be treated.
If you loved music, Lemmy was your friend, regardless of who you were or where you came from.
Regardless of if I'm a size 6 or 26 it's nobody's business and nobody has the right to body shame me or anyone else.
Regardless of what the record is, what the score is, you always go out there and compete.
Regardless of what all the research says about don't talk about politics at work, people are talking about what they see on the news.
If you're good at what you do regardless of what is thrown in front of you, you will make it work.
Jealousy is a human emotion, regardless of whether you're a Branch Davidian or you're whomever, outside in society.