The fed does not regulate pimco or its parent or any other firm that is affiliated with it.
If I'm paying you $10 million, I want to regulate you, keep you close to me.
It's speech control to regulate the gun culture.
We don't regulate markets like we regulate banks, it is like creating a square peg for a round hole.
If we have ethics, we will not need a code. The code is to regulate those who have no ethics.
I take medication to help regulate my blood pressure, but the main thing I have to monitor is what I eat.
The government's role is not to regulate for the sake of regulation.
Pete Wilson deregulated energy as a pay out to Enron, and we blamed Gray Davis.
It's hard to regulate the speed at which you can achieve something creative and emotional.
Supply and demand regulate architectural form.
NAFTA will continue to regulate the relationship between Mexico and Canada.
You can't regulate every lab in the world.
The FTC doesn't regulate political speech.
It's very difficult to regulate yourself, and if you learn to do that, well, it starts to spill over.
You can't regulate a soul into a business.
Can the state regulate mining? Yes, on state land and state-controlled waters, but not on federal land.
I don't think they should regulate the music field. I don't see how they can regulate the arts.