Republicans will do anything for the poor except get off their backs.
A church in the czech republic has a chandelier made entirely of human bones.
Republics are ungrateful.
What greater or better gift can we offer the republic than to teach and instruct our youth?
It is of great importance in a republic not only to guard against the oppression of its rulers, but to guard one part of society against the injustice of the other part.
In the republic of mediocrity, genius is dangerous.
A republican government is slow to move, yet when once in motion, its momentum becomes irresistible.
Republics are brought to their ends by luxury; monarchies by poverty.
Schoolhouses are the republican line of fortifications.
The republicans have their splits right after election and democrats have theirs just before an election.
The strength of a nation, especially of a republican nation, is in the intelligent and well-ordered homes of the people.
Are they happy? No, but the republican nominee for president, chances are, is going to be very much against common core.
The republicans haven't stopped the investigation, it's just the russia piece they don't want to do anymore.
It appears republicans want to conduct just enough interviews to give the impression of a serious investigation.
If you are a republican primary voter in ohio and you want to defeat donald trump, your best chance in ohio is john kasich.
You can't say the Negro left the Republican Party; the Negro feels he was evicted from the Republican Party.
I have voted for a Republican for president ever since I was voting and since I was 18 years old.
It's not politically incorrect to say you're Republican or conservative.
Latins for Republicans - it's like roaches for Raid.
I happen to be unique. I'm a Republican that represents an urban area.
McConnell's the Senate Republican leader, but he refuses to lead on defunding Obamacare. What good is a leader like that?
In the past, the Republican Party has depended on unified support at election time from Evangelical Christians. But times are changing!
We'd say that emmanuel de merode has become the president of ... The national republic of virunga.
But of course, republicans have tremendous challenges, too.
We won't see a republican presidential nominee go anywhere near this idea.
If the republican convention went into gridlock, I think paul ryan, somehow, put him on the ballot right away.
That can pose a risk for anybody who's a republican now.
I have been a Republican since I came to this country, fleeing communism when I was eight years old and Ronald Reagan was president.
The old Republican Party is gone. It's now Trump's party.