Art requires neither complaisance nor politeness; nothing but faith, faith and freedom.
To be champion requires more than simply being a strong player; one has to be a strong human being as well.
To be a champion requires more than simply being a strong player; one has to be a strong human being as well.
What I love to do requires portraying different characters, and you have to separate your life from the role.
The study of history requires investigation, imagination, empathy, and respect. Reverence just doesn't enter into it.
To posit the existence of a Creator requires only reason. To posit the existence of a good God requires faith.
Data science requires having that cultural space to experiment and work on things that might fail.
If I'm doing a scene that requires a lot of focus, I'll just take myself away and do what I have to do.
A philanthropic venture requires all the energy, knowledge and money from its founder that a company requires from the leadership team.
A stage play requires very different craft from a book, fiction or otherwise, and ditto from a screenplay.
A vital democracy requires an informed electorate, civil discourse, and bold thinking.
Acted drama requires surrender of one's self, sympathetic absorption in the play as it develops.
Acting requires emotional flexibility and demands, and directing is more cerebral and managerial and a tactical kind of thing.
Acting, taken to the highest level, requires a fierce, total focus of your time and energy at the cost of just about everything else.
Although it requires some adjustment by those already here, immigration has made the U.S.A. The most prosperous nation on Earth.