Youth may stray afar yet return at last.
Your tax returns on a yearly basis don't tell you what you're worth. What they show is what your income is.
You will get return the same things which you are giving to others.
You travel on until you return home; you live on until you return to earth.
You return and again take the proper course, guided by what? - By the picture in mind of the place you are headed for.
You have to ask the question: is the return on investment of sending a child to a four-year private worth it?
Will I return to England? I don't know. I'll think it over.
Who goes to rome a beast returns a beast.
Who goes and returns makes a journey.
Who asks at once for a lot, returns home with an empty bag.
Whether it's a return to faith or an investigation of this weird thing called Christianity.
When you look at dividend returns on equities versus bond yields, to me it's a pretty easy decision to be heavily in equities.
When the light returns to its source, it takes nothing of what it has illuminated.
When I returned to Armenia after four months in Brazil, I was still quite skinny and weak, but I had technique and skill.
What's at stake in these elections is democracy or a return to dictatorship.
He returned to the home later in the evening, around 5, and no one was here, he called the authorities immediately.
A no vote is a return to the failed policy of the old NAFTA, the status quo, rather than this more modernized version.
At the end of the day, Tim returned this business to growth, but not where the overall online advertising revenue growth is.
It would be a harsh blow. We would return to a system that allows impunity and endless delays.
We are in danger of a return to conflict - at a low intensity level - if those funds are taken away.
Generating returns is likely to be particularly challenging for investors in U.S. Assets.
But a return to normalcy and a real de-escalation seems unlikely.
They will be deported voluntarily, their wish is to return to the state of Texas. This is what they have requested.
Brazil is returning to normal.
I wanted a 100 percent return on my investment.
Returning jihadists should be jailed in isolation so they don't spread the disease.
A man ought not to return evil for evil, as many think, since at no time ought we to do an injury to our neighbour.*
Returning to 'SportsNation' is my destiny.