We're making microscopic robots that are guided by externally generated magnetic fields for use in the human body.
Robots are very good at working in dangerous environments, while humans are very good at making judgment calls.
Everyone knows robots write the best books and make the best music. Just look at Daft Punk.
I'm excited about bringing robots into the market, about having the most effect in the world.
If robots are to clean our homes, they'll have to do it better than a person.
Even seemingly innocuous housecleaning robots create maps of your home. That is information you want to make sure you control.
All in all, I don't think robots and greater automation can bring about a utopian world as I imagined it would as a kid 50 years ago.
Let's not kid ourselves here, robots already run most of our world. We'll be their butlers soon enough.
The great mystery is why robots come off so well in science-fiction films when the human characters are often so astoundingly wooden.
People are fascinated by robots because they're machines that can mimic life.
Robots may cut down on infection and mean a consultant can see more patients, but wouldn't you rather meet the doctor than a machine?
The benefits of having robots could vastly outweigh the problems.
Robots have gotten steadily more capable, but humans' expectations that robots should have minds keeps biting robot developers.
We're fascinated with robots because they are reflections of ourselves.
Robots allow our employees to work safely, faster, and at less cost.