Ziggy Stardust, the Village People, and punk rock really shaped who I am as a person and as a gay man.
You're not doing it, you're rocking it.
You're not a rock n' roll person four hours a day or even when you're on stage. It's become the rhythm of your whole life.
You wouldn't want to be in a rock band - trust me.
You would think that a rock star being married to a supermodel would be one of the greatest things in the world. It is.
You throw a rock in the water, and ripples spread out slowly. But they do go far.
You think of floating on a rock in space as so alien, but that's exactly what we're doing.
You see, rock and roll isn't a career or hobby - it's a life force. It's something very essential.
You kind of have to hit rock bottom to really rise to the top. That's just the way I feel about it.
You don't try and put rockets under prime ministers.
You don't start shooting rockets at Israel and expect that we'll just sit back supinely and die.
You don't have to be in a rock band to write your own music.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to work out that the South African bowling attack is exceptionally good.
You don't have to be a rock star - if you don't like the situation you're in, you don't have to settle for it.
You can't just be a rock star by rehashing things you've seen or done before. Bring something new, which is what hip-hop does best.
While filming rocky iv, lundgren hit sylvester stallone for real and he ended up in the hospital for nine days.
I think the skyrocketing cost of a college education has placed it in the sphere of being a luxury-priced necessity.
That's what Rocky is all about pride, reputation, and not being another bum in the neighborhood.
I'm not so rock and roll. I'm more techno.
I love blues, mellow rock 'n' roll.
No doubt these rocky islands have suggested the idea worked out in gardens, and they have been well imitated.
I even have a Harmony Rocket and a Stratocaster with a scalloped neck back in Florida.
I'm like a rock singer with one-night stands on the road.
There is a bedrock decency to people in the Midwest. They are thoughtful and ready to help you if something needs to be done.
Rock & roll is not obscure, it's really easy to understand. So is my painting.
Being in a rock n' roll band was like being in a Sherman tank. Nothing got to you. You were surrounded and protected by men.
If you don't own the stage, you shouldn't be in rock n' roll.
Praying is like a rocking chair - it'll give you something to do, but it won't get you anywhere.
As a solid rock is not shaken by the wind, so wise men are not moved amidst praise and blame.
Virtue often trips and falls on the sharp-edged rock of poverty.