Winning the rookie of the year award means so much.
Winning the Rookie of the Year would be nice but making the playoffs would be even nicer for me.
I want to be on the All-Defensive team, be rookie of the year, make the All-Star team, all that type of stuff.
My rookie year, it was a crazy atmosphere.
My rookie season, I wore 8 because I had wanted 15, but it's retired in Philadelphia. I had worn 15 in college.
I'd like to win Rookie of the Year.
The rookie game, those guys are going to be All-Stars one day.
A rookie coach must be supported by a very strong structure and not get burned.
The better quarterbacks are real consistent. Rookie quarterbacks are not.
I can't imagine as a rookie actually playing good football. I went through it.
I'm not big on rookie hazing. I didn't wanna be hazed as a rookie, so I definitely didn't want to do it to others.
My rookie year was huge for me as far as the learning curve, especially those last three games.
Any rookie is going to go through a transition process that's going to be tough.
It's hard to win with rookie quarterbacks, as I know.
Any rookie that can develop a mentorship with a former quarterback like Jim Kelly, it's going to be huge.
Even if I'll be an All Star or Rookie of The Year, I will always be humble Giannis.
So many of my rookie mistakes could have been avoided by first-hand exposure to other, more experienced technology entrepreneurs.
I kind of think the rookie wall is all in your mind, to be completely honest.
I remember my rookie hazing. It wasn't fun.
I was 22 my rookie year.
I didn't start my whole rookie year.
I think any player, as a rookie coming into any sport, has to prove themselves.
I started rockin' the BowTie when I was a rookie with the New York Giants.
It's an honor to be named Rookie of the Year by the media.