Whenever I do something, it is rooted in the Indian opportunity.
We are rooted in this country, any picture of syria without christians in it is the true destruction of syria.
We are rooted in Kingian nonviolence.
To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul.
There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy.
The tallest tree is rooted in the ground.
The best movies are rooted in reality.
Some habits of ineffectiveness are rooted in our social conditioning toward quick-fix, short-term thinking.
Society has this deeply rooted love of seeing women fail.
Puma is a brand deeply rooted in sporting lifestyle.
Poverty is rooted in injustice.
My stand-up is far more rooted in reality than my Twitter.
My investment advice is rooted in my understanding of economics.
My day-to-day local issues are rooted in an underlying fear of death.
Much of America rooted for Mr. Obama simply because he is black.
I've rooted all my life for a marginal team.
If work isn't rooted in comedy, people will turn from it, or they'll use it like soap opera.
In order to be universal, you have to be rooted in your own culture.
Justice that is not rooted in equity, in social welfare, and in community is not justice at all.
Marriage is... OK, it's rooted and grounded on love and attraction.
Most films are rooted in a book or a comic strip, but I don't go out there saying I want to do adaptations.
Most people's jobs are rooted in reality.