A goose flies by a chart which the royal geographical society could not improve.
A Royal Commission is a broody hen sitting on a china egg.
A royal heart is often hid under a tattered cloak.
According to my royalty statements, 'The Green Progression' sold 392 copies in hardcover.
After the 1960 royal coup, I spent time in India - including three years in prison.
Amsterdam's royal palace sits on 13,659 wooden poles.
Any type of Royal Rumble or battle royal I always look forward to because I usually get to do some pretty cool things.
As a falkland islander I definitely feel a bond with the royal family as a symbol of britishness. I am a staunch royalist.
Because we do not sell photographs, we have no royalties on books, posters, postcards.
Being born into the Royal Family is like being born into a mental asylum. Marrying into it is not something to be taken lightly.
Celebrities choose fame. Royals have it thrust on them.
Economists, like royal children, are not punished for their errors.
For americans, the royal family is not a political issue, for us, they are like a very long running soap opera.
He was born in Thorn, Royal Prussia, part of the Kingdom of Poland at the time.
Health lies in labor, and there is no royal road to it but through toil.
The Royal Academy of Dance is an institution that trains to a very high standard.
The church, the sea, or the royal household, for whoever would thrive.
The fire that burns a royal palace only enhances its splendor.
Meghan is an outsider( in the royal family), and I think that's only a good thing, she has a unique perspective.
I'm not a member of the royal family.
We need to support them, as I am doing. We love royal weddings.
Her royal highness and her child are both doing well.
My bestfriends are all frequent cruisers on royal caribbean.
The motto on the united kingdom's royal coat of arms is in french. The motto is "dieu et mon droit, which means "god and my right.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police and CSIS have provided extraordinary co-operation, as I mentioned earlier.
The Royal Family have always had an interest in a number of different areas of society. We are a part of society.