He's beating him in a savage way, just fist after fist.
No beast is more savage than man when possessed with power answerable to his rage.
The savagery and power of Edith Wharton's ghost stories surprised me.
The birch-bark canoe of the savage seems to me one of the most beautiful and perfect things of the kind constructed by human art.
There are various kinds of savagery emotional, spiritual, economic, and cultural savagery.
Life Among the Savages is a disrespectful memoir of my children.
Problem solving is hunting. It is savage pleasure and we are born to it.
Every savage can dance.
I have a huge and savage conscience that won't let me get away with things.
Savages we call them because their manners differ from ours.
Creditor. One of a tribe of savages dwelling beyond the Financial Straits and dreaded for their desolating incursions.
Breastfeeding is this savage ritual that just reminds you that your body is a cafeteria now.
Civilized men can disagree, savages will kill you when they disagree.
Mom brought mayor mike savage downstairs for me, we did n't communicate about, oh the door is n't locked.
The savage in man is never quite eradicated.
Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.
Music has charms to soothe the savage breast.
It began in mystery, and it will end in mystery, but what a savage and beautiful country lies in between.
Fear, true fear, is a savage frenzy. Of all the insanities of which we are capable, it is surely the most cruel.
Beware a rickety wall, a savage dog, and a quarrelsome person.
All the known world, excepting only savage nations, is governed by books.
A savage is simply a human organism that has not received enough news from the human race.