'Beetlejuice' used to scare me.
'Sucker Punch' was so demanding, it scared me a bit.
'The Shining' scares me so much.
'True Blood' excites me. It scares me, but it excites me.
'Whiplash' scared me. I feel you should only do projects that scare you to some degree. I get motivated by those sorts of feelings.
( the clerk) said the suspect appeared to be scared and in a hurry when he knocked on the door.
A brave man is scared of a lion three times: first when he sees the tracks; second when he hears the first roar; and third when they are face to face.
A lot of people are scared that machines will take over the world, machines will turn evil the Hollywood 'Terminator' scenario.
A lot of people are scared to come visit my hometown, but to me, violence is everywhere, man.
A mouse will scare a thief.
Acting scares me.
Actors shouldn't be scared. Don't get scared on film.
After cancer, I ain't scared of nothing.
All battles are fought by scared men who'd rather be some place else.
All these labels and praises scare me. I am very simple, and I feel like a newcomer because I never stopped learning.
It's as much fun to scare as to be scared.
Whenever you're scared of something, don't let that define you. We all feel it, but step up.
I'm quite scared of flying, and especially helicopters, I don't like them at all.
I'm scared of karaoke. I think if I did have a go to karaoke song, it would be 'Whatta Man' by Salt-n-Pepa.
Scrutiny has never scared me because I have had detractors all my life.
People are scared to have a strong opinion because, with social media, almost everyone lives the life of a celebrity.
I think people are scared of progress and change.
The only thing that scares me is dying.
I don't need to scare the other athletes. When I'm running, I will scare them.
Multimedia scares me off.
I'm never scared what people are gonna think about music that I make.
White people scare the crap out of me.
It's all about risk-taking when you're making an album. Don't be scared to do weird things sometimes.
Am I scared of anything? Yeah, everything.
I am not scared of getting typecast.