Nothing really scares me, to be honest.
'True Blood' excites me. It scares me, but it excites me.
I think that what scares me more than getting fat during pregnancy is the responsibility of a child.
Nothing scares me but God.
Everyone has something that scares them. Everyone must make a choice at some point whether to be brave. Everyone has a story.
If it scares me, it means I'm supposed to do it.
Chief Keef scares me. Not him specifically, but just the culture that he represents.
'The Shining' scares me so much.
Do stuff that scares you on a regular basis. I think it's good for the body and for the mind.
Personally, what scares me most is the thoughtlessness the Internet can perpetuate.
I think marriage scares a lot of men.
L.A. Kind of scares me.
Competition is nothing that scares me away from nowhere.
There's nothing that scares me more than, like, being in the ocean by myself.
If something scares me, then I have to do it.
Honestly, China scares me.
I want to investigate what scares me and worries me.
Open-water swimming scares the hell out of me.
Nothing scares a straight man more than a woman in her full glory.
I'd seen musicians act, and it scares me. And they make more money than me.
You hear the word 'cancer,' it scares you. You think of death.