13 Hungarian or Hungarian-born scientists have received the Nobel Prize, all of whom emigrated from Hungary, due to persecution during the communist regime.
A document focusing on the scientists association with pacifists and socialists was collated by the FBI in 1933; it stood a whopping 1,427 pages high.
A lot of scientists act on their beliefs and so do things that look crazy to the rest of us.
An amateur beekeeper and a group of scientists found that wax worms are capable of eating and breaking down plastic bags. The settings of a wax worm's stomach can be recreated to safely dispose of plastic bags and bottles.
Around 2003, scientists in Croatia investigated why lampposts were falling down around the country. They came to the conclusion that a chemical in dogs' urine was rotting the metal at the bottom of the lampposts.
As it turns out, social scientists have established only one fact about single women's mental health employment improves it.
At the current rate of erosion, scientists believe that the Niagara Falls will be gone in around 50000 years, luckily you still have time to see them!
Cats - a standing rebuke to behavioural scientists . . . Least human of all creatures.
Computer scientists apply their knowledge of information theory and computation to computer systems.
Computer scientists usually focus on theory while computer engineers focus on hardware.
Developmental scientists like me explore the basic science of learning by designing controlled experiments.
Each generation of scientists stands upon the shoulders of those who have gone before.
Engineers and scientists are slightly different, with engineers focusing more on the application of science. They are often seen as the link from scientific discoveries to their application in the real world.
Even before Sputnik, scientists and policy makers worried that not enough Americans were studying science.