Seattle has always been home.
The people of seattle deny they get much rain, while the rest of the country thinks of it as america's bladder.
Obviously people in seattle love a little more sun but also nothing is built for it, I miss my rain.
My football do-over is when I went to Seattle and had both jobs as coach and general manager.
Of course Seattle loves soccer. You can see from the men's Seattle Sounders team.
The Seattle explosion was what saved rock from becoming too pompous! A great moment in music!
I really liked the Seattle movement.
Seattle was hardly a tech magnet before Amazon, Microsoft, and then a host of once-fledgling technology firms set up operations there.
I went to Seattle U. Nice Jesuit school there.
Attending Seattle Central was an awesome experience - it taught me a lot about discipline in a great way.
Doolittle was a major influence on the Seattle grunge scene, which emerged in the early 1990s.
When I played in the NBA for 12 years, Seattle had some of the best fans in the NBA.
In some cities, McDonald's rules, but Seattle is ruled by teriyaki joints.
Seattle deserves a team. They got robbed of their basketball team.
If Seattle could put my jersey on top of the Space Needle, they would.
I feel thankful for the Seattle organization and the city. The fans embraced me right away, and I had a great time there.
Seattle is this curious liberal 'island.'
Seattle was a rabid film town in the '70s and '80s because it rained so much.
I think Seattle has a great sort of luxury and comfort sensibility, which I oftentimes think is lost in fashion for fashion's sake.
I'm not from this Earth - I'm from Pluto. I moved to Seattle when I was 2.
Seattle is my home.
Seattle has a long tradition of celebrating local and non-local art - from the Burke and Seattle Art Museums to the Asian Art Museum.
People in Seattle and Tacoma know who I am as a person, and I don't think I am a character risk or have a character issue at all.