A secretary must think like a man, act like a lady, look like a girl - and work like a dog.
A secretary must think like a man, act like a lady, look like a girl and work like a dog.
All of these attacks on Secretary Clinton, at the end of the day, are character attacks.
All public officials, including the secretary of state, must be held accountable.
As Secretary of State, we need someone with sound judgment, ask tough questions, and should not be willing to just read talking points.
As the secretary of defense, you are inevitably a prime target for foreign hackers.
At the very least, Secretary Clinton should publicly call for the unequivocal release of Saeed Abedini.
Being a secretary was considered a very good job in those days.
Being home secretary involves having to face some of the worst of human behaviour and challenges of modern society.
Being secretary of state by odometer is a very false measure.
Do we want someone as secretary of state that is somehow tainted in this Benghazi issue?
Frankly, as secretary of state, if somebody treats you badly because you're a woman, it's your fault - not theirs.
General secretary comrade xi jinping has shown us touching and familial support and concern.
Going from secretary to ceo is a very creatable story that makes you think this, too, is the 'american dream,'.
Hillary clinton was the single worst secretary of state in the history of this country, the world collapsed around us.
These attacks against secretary castro are completely unfounded, short sighted, and only serve to pit us against each other.
It appears clear that secretary clinton was answering a question about whether she deleted emails 'while facing a subpoena,'.
Secretary kerry's visit is especially insulting for cuba's dissidents.
This was a process the secretary was comfortable with.
This investigation has never been about former secretary of state clinton and never will be.
My mum worked as a secretary for Christian Dior. She looked like a movie star.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar turned out to be all hat and no cattle with his sorry oversight of the Minerals Management Service.
When former Defense Secretary Robert Gates wrote his recent book, 'Duty', it was full of tough assessments and candor.
I had no difficulty as Secretary of Defense moving from the Bush administration to the Obama administration.
I was studying to be a legal secretary when I was called to audition for 'Ken.'
Today, in 2011, I'm giving Secretary Hillary Clinton the nod as the Obama Administration's improbable MVP in the technology realm.
I'm not a fan of Secretary Rumsfeld. I don't think he listens enough to his uniformed officers.