We've selected shell because they are the most competitive.
Senator, the president has selected me to give him advice.
Tai is no.2 at hon hai. He speaks japanese. He was selected from a comprehensive perspective.
Tai is no. 2 at hon hai. He speaks japanese. He was selected from a comprehensive perspective.
In 1984, Yosemite was selected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Bush wasn't elected, he was selected - selected by five judges up in Washington who voted along party lines.
In high school, I was selected for NASA's Math & Science program. I'd hop on the yellow school bus and head up to Cape Canaveral.
It was my goal and dream to be selected to the Olympic team, so I knew going into it the amount of responsibility I was given.
I would never want to be selected to a team just because I am going to set a record. It's critical to me to earn my way.
Once you have selected a sport or a creative activity, the rules are pretty much the same.
Tolerance is the value that was selected to put on here, and tolerance is as American as apple pie.
I get my news from selected Google News and my social feed.
I'm honoured to have been selected to be the Labour candidate for Manchester Central.
It's quite an honor to be selected to represent my country in the Olympics.
Once a film is selected at Cannes, the crossover becomes very easy, thanks to the prestige and dignity it gains at Cannes.
Gutzon Borglum, a famous Dutch-American sculptor, was selected for the Mount Rushmore project. At his death in March 1941 his son, Lincoln Borglum, continued the work and it was completed later that year.
I was in the eighth standard and was selected as part of my school to meet Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.