He who is absent is always in the wrong.
Parks represent an efficient, cost-effective way to improve public health.
Negative sentiment is so overwhelming, it's not really surprising to see the tsx trade down on a day like this.
We sent a tech out, and he spent the whole day investigating.
Resentment is anger directed at others-at what they did or did not do.
I didn't want to represent any negative side of the country where I was born and raised.
I am very proud of being jewish, and that is an essential part of who I am as a human being.
He is ready, if the occasion presents itself, to throw the whole English population in the St. Lawrence.
I think I'm a very sentimental person. Conscious or not, that's what draws me to the kind of films I want to make.
Nobody should be sent indefinitely into detention; everybody should have their day in court.
Obviously, the prison sentence would have a severe impact on him.
A commission presenting evidence doesn't do a Jedi mind trick and make state legislators in some state suddenly pass a bill.
Representative democracy is in crisis in the United States.
Meditation is an essential aspect of my life.
But I thought she needed to be sentenced at the lower end.
Investor sentiment has recovered and Chinese share markets are still bullish.
Today's investor sentiment in China is damped by last week's global equity sell-off.
As far as we have recorded, these are the heaviest sentences for lese majeste in history.
The voters that resent that haven't voted for AKP anyway. Among the AKP supporters, whatever AKP does is right.
This result does not represent the true political or societal weight of Salafis in Egypt.
Governor Brown has presented me with an opportunity I cannot refuse to serve as Attorney General of my home state.
From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.
These were all consented videos. They were staged, they were planned.
Each present joy or sorrow seems the chief.
She sent that airplane without 40 passengers.
Sentiment is still positive, but investors are wary of what lies ahead in 2015.
Nelle might have sent it to Louise or to Alice.
This is essentially capacity management by some of our customers.
Whoever comes from Kosovo, should be sent back home within a month.
That's huge and essential to the survival of teams.