To handle the economy and services in a country like Iraq requires delegation of authority and the choice of competent people.
In 1990, there were no services catering for eyebrows in Hollywood.
They provide a lot of services for people that otherwise wouldn't be able to have them.
Memorial services are the cocktail parties of the geriatric set.
Great services are not canceled by one act or by one single error.
At a certain point, the services that you build around the hardware become more important than the hardware itself.
We saw a huge need for services in rebuilding.
I ask the national security services and the metropolitan police to solve this horrible crime.
Sow good services sweet remembrances will grow from them.
The services will be much worse, there are shortages of water and you can see the roads.
It is not the services we render them, but the services they render us, that attaches people to us.
Streaming services are very important.
Federal program and services outlay in Puerto Rico is approximately $10 billion per year.
Infrastructure web services had to happen.
As long as we deliver services with the highest level of quality and integrity, I'm happy.
Unnecessarily injecting uncertainty in how services would be provided to shippers .. Is shocking and egregious.
Nepal is high already but without routine services the coverage will fall, [it] will have to be a priority in a few weeks.
It's a gateway to information, and a gateway to the right of services like the asylum procedures.
Sow good services sweet remembrances will grow them.
If you get access to good services and you get accurate testing, it's possible to get kids amplification very, very young.
Our plan is to add more services and locations.
This is part of the consumerization and personalization of it-based services that we're seeing at all levels of the industry.
Privatisation splits hospital services into increasingly small packages.
What we feel, especially in the streaming area, especially in the services area, is that you need curation.
There are a lot of services trying to solve the information discovery problem, and no one has got it right yet.