Shadows are formed all along the wishes of the sun.
Happiness is like a sunbeam, which the least shadow intercepts, while adversity is often as the rain in the spring.
Man stands in his own shadow and wonders why it's dark.
Reason is the shadow cast by god; god is the sun.
To the lack of incentive to effort, which is the awful shadow under which we live, may be traced the wreck and ruin of scores of colored youth.
Glory is the shadow of virtue.
To think of shadows is a serious thing.
Our shadow will follow us.
The facts show it was mr. Broidy who conspired in the shadows against qatar - not the other way around.
Shadow owes its birth to light.
When walking through the 'valley of shadows,' remember, a shadow is cast by a Light.
Word is a shadow of a deed.
When we have a world of only now, with no shadows of yesterdays or clouds of tomorrow, then saying what we can do will work.
One's shadow grows larger than life when admired by the light of the moon.
The friendship of a great man is like the shadow of a bush - soon gone.
At the end of the day we are a shadow lender to a distressed sector.
Be content to stand in the light, and let the shadow fall where it will.
Because we didn't want the pope's visit to be overshadowed with kim davis.
Beginnings are apt to be shadowy and so it is the beginnings of the great mother life, the sea.
Beware of a man's shadow and a bee's sting.
Beware of the dog himself, his shadow does not bite.
Big trees cast more shadow than fruit.
Books are only the shadow and life the real thing. I believe this as strongly as any belief I hold.
Character is like a tree, and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
Coming events cast their shadow before.
Death is a shadow that always follows the body.
Do your eye shadow first, then your foundation. That way, you can clean up any mess without starting all over again.
Everything has its shadow if you bring it in the light.
Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see.
For a Bostonian... We live in the shadow of New York, and to be acknowledged by New Yorkers is really the greatest feeling.