Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.
With its cash generative assets and strong balance sheet genel could be an attractive merger/takeover target for a partner.
This isn't just numbers on a sheet or percentage of trade or dollar value.
They showed me the third quarter stat sheet –- to see an nba record was humbling.
The fed could leave the balance sheet where it is and that wouldn't be a problem.
The Earth isn't an infinite sheet that carries on for ever, but it doesn't have an edge, either. It's compact and connected.
The difference is wide that the sheets will not decide.
The difference is wide that sheets will not decide.
The country and the balance sheet will not bear the cost of building this plant. It will be paid back through the actual production of electricity that will be generated by this plant.
The balance sheets of some very good companies are not as strong as they should be.
So often is the virgin sheet of paper more real than what one has to say, and so often one regrets having marred it.
Seaweed sheets are my go-to for my salty chip cravings, especially wasabi flavored ones.
Notably, the FCC fact sheet regarding the net neutrality plan does not mention any accommodations for small providers.
Never split bed sheet and bed mattresses.
Marriott can increase their offer because they have the balance sheet flexibility.
For a company with as strong a balance sheet as suncor it's a good move to go after assets like that.
I recognize the republican party as the sheet anchor of the colored mans political hopes and the ark of his safety.
I don't stare at a sheet of paper and try to think of a good word to use. I try to see where the story should go.
I never took sheet music seriously. I could do better myself just by listening to other people and using my own intuition.
I do sheet mask every day! They are so great when you are at home. My daughter thinks they are hilarious.
I read in one of the scandal sheets that there are UFO aliens living right now down deep in the Antarctic. I believe those things.
Essar Oil doesn't have the balance sheet strength to make an open offer to buy-back its shares.
Even the most beautiful sheets have small flaws.
It gives you one, simple, unpolluted measurement of what the earth's ice sheets and glaciers are doing.
Good companies with bad balance sheets with productive properties, those are going to be targets.