We wear 'Autism' on our shorts to raise awareness and show support for other families dealing with autism.
Shorts wager on price declines by selling shares that they have borrowed in the hope of buying them back at far lower prices.
Shorts are silly. Men in shorts are silly men. And silly is the very worst thing a man can be.
Playing shortstop is 75 to 80 percent anticipation, knowing the hitter and the pitch being thrown.
On screen, if I have to wear shorts or bikini for a scene, I should have the body for that.
It's shortsighted not to view the education of a future generation of Americans as a priority for all Americans.
I was a shortstop in softball, and a lot of times I had collisions with base runners coming in, so I definitely have scars.
Shorts are silly. Men in shorts are silly men. And silly is the very worst thing a man can be.