I want to show people my interpretation of what creating music is, and this is where it comes from the heart.
Experience shows that exceptions are as true as rules.
I was told I would become nothing. Now I am showing people how big nothing is.
The most violent show on TV is the six o'clock news.
The show must go on.
This study shows that, despite overall interest in science, there are still people out there that have challenging views.
Don't show your teeth if you can't bite.
I'm celebrating my 40th year in show business this year.
It's so hard to shoot wealth. It doesn't show up on film.
Tv shows are built on relationships and it seems kind of odd to have a show built on no relationships.
Time has shown that Paradise is not cheap, and neither is Hell unnecessary.
Show me the country that has no strikes and I'll show you the country in which there is no liberty.
Show business is made up of disappointments, and it's through life's disappointments that you grow.
I want to show people they don't have to be scared of being different.
I think a show is more of an interacting with fans than you just singing songs.
Fred Bumaye shows great promise as a young filmmaker with a passion for story and the cinematic language.
I'm always showing pictures off. I have to be careful who I show them to because of who I am, obviously, but I'm a proud father.
There's part of you that, when you show up for work, you kick into professional mode and try to do your absolute best.
Show business is just like high school, except you get paid.
A quiet tongue shows a wise head.
A cloak is not made for a single shower of rain.
There's no showing the wolf to a bad dog.
If you are not going to bite, don't show your teeth.
The dog that is going to bite does not show its teeth.
Prayer is the ascending vapor which supplies the showers of blessing, and the stream that flows through earth's dry places, till on every side "the wilderness shall blossom as the rose."
Show me a man with both feet on the ground and I'll show you a man who can't put his pants on.
Let's show the senate can work. Let's not go crazy with a bunch of ancillary things.
You look at shows on cable, and there's a lot of smart writing out there.
So my humor, I'd say, comes from a mixture of lowbrow comedy shows and highbrow theater. It's an interesting mix.
I feel it's important to show different sides of my character, and I never take myself too seriously.