You're playing or you're not playing. If you're playing, so just shut up and play.
You may shut your doors against a thief, but not against a liar.
You may force a man to shut his eyes, but not to sleep.
You can shut down our economy and the effect on climate change, it will be nothing.
You can shut down a service, and yet people will find ways to communicate.
You can do one of two things; just shut up, which is something I don't find easy, or learn an awful lot very fast, which is what I tried to do.
With markets dwindling, coal companies shutting down and workers being laid off, it is no wonder that stocks are crashing.
Wink and shut their apprehensions up.
Where one door is shut another opens.
When you're in N.Y.C. And they shut down one of the bridges, this is a movie!
When we have agencies like EPA shutting down businesses, I don't trust them at all.
When the steed is stolen, you shut the stable door.
When the devil finds the door shut he goes away.
When police are shutting down cameras, it is a sign that they know the truth is not going to be kind to them.
When Kobe talks, I shut up and stay out of his way.
There should be a law that you can't shut down the government - that you don't have that power.
I don't want to shut down the government.
They are shutting their doors. We will block their funds.
I wish I could shut up, but I can't, and I won't.
Hillary clinton wants to shut down family farms just like hillary clinton wants to shut down the mines and the steel workers.
The only answer is to shut down the country for the next 30 days and close the borders.
The consequence of shutting down the government was not healthy.
I do not believe we should shut down the federal government.
Many open a door to shut a window.
I wish they'd shut the gates, and let us play ball with no press and no fans.
I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking.
Shutting down the government is not how you make government work.
Nobody can shut the door in your face if you own the door.
I can never shut the door on Aston Villa but I think it's blatantly obvious for everyone looking at it that it's done.