Many of the insights of the saint stem from his experience as a sinner.
On average, dogs have better eyesight than humans, although not as colorful.
Dolphins have excellent eyesight and hearing as well as the ability to use echolocation for finding the exact location of objects.
As a rule, what is out of sight disturbs men's minds more seriously than what they see.
Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.
The spiritual eyesight improves as the physical eyesight declines.
It was a sight surpassing all precedent, and one we never dreamed of seeing.
I went grey at 12, my eyesight went at 17. I've been a crock from very early on.
I think it's a little short-sighted for investors to be piling out of u.s. Equities.
People lose sight that the counties run the elections.
You can only have a short sight because things change a lot. You can't plan what the years will bring.
While I admire the insights of many of the people in the world of computing, I get this cold feeling that I speak a different language.
Absence is a foe to love; out of sight out of mind.
Humor brings insight and tolerance.
Human foresight often leaves its proudest possessor only a choice of evils.
Men fear danger, women only the sight of it.
In vain the net is spread in the sight of the bird.
We should trust more to our eyesight than to our ears.
Bravery without foresight is like a blind horse.
Analyzing through special insight and realizing the lack of inherent existence constitute understanding of the signless.
Friendship is a word the very sight of which in print makes the heart warm.
A thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.
Love, all love of other sights controls. And makes one little room an everywhere.
There's nothing like the sight of an old enemy down on his luck.
The insight to see possible new paths, the courage to try them, the judgment to measure results-these are the qualities of a leader.
The sight of a cage is only frightening to the bird that has once been caught.
Oh, the saddest of sights in a world of sin is a little lost pup with his tail tucked in!
The man with insight enough to admit his limitations comes nearest to perfection.