Without competition, Silicon Valley will stop taking risks and will stop innovating.
When you look around Silicon Valley at new companies, there are very few ideas that are going to make a dent in the universe.
What created Silicon Valley was a culture of openness, and there is no future to Silicon Valley without it.
Unfortunately, in the race to the most douchebaggery, Silicon Valley is fast in gaining on Hollywood. That race is neck and neck.
Unfortunately, a lot of Silicon Valley venture capitalists are disconnected from African Americans, Latinos, and other people of color.
Two-thirds or three-quarters of the CEOs in Silicon Valley are from South Asia or from Asia.
There's no more silicon in Silicon Valley. It's all iPhone apps.
There is a statue of tesla in silicon valley that radiates free wi-fi. It was done as an homage to his vision for wireless communication.
The real force of Silicon Valley is the mentality, the spirit. There's no reason at all that can't be replicated in Paris.
The problem with Silicon Valley is you don't have enough supply to keep up with the demand.
The motto in the workaholic silicon valley is "stop for lunch and you are lunch."
The iPad is becoming the babysitter… Silicon Valley programs these things to be addictive.
The education needs in silicon valley versus rural iowa versus tennessee are very different.
The chemical element Silicon has a symbol Si and atomic number 14.
The amounts of money in Silicon Valley are staggering.
Even by Silicon Valley standards, PayPal's vision was massively ambitious.
Silicon Valley does not breed great technology. Instead, the smartest people from around the world tend to move to Silicon Valley.
Silicon Valley's definition of luxury is a Tesla in every garage.
Silicon Valley has been a technology capital like New York is a financial capital.
Silicon Valley is like Wall Street in that it will fill and pursue market opportunities to their logical extremes.
I had this attitude, that Silicon Valley obnoxious attitude, that I know what I'm doing, and the rest was going to be pretty easy.
Silicon Valley is a great place for Bitcoin, since everyone understands computers, and there are lots of libertarians running around.
Silicon Valley is the best place to start a tech company in so many ways.
In Silicon Valley, you want things done instantly.