Your body is smarter than you are, so you always have to stay one step ahead.
You're smarter than TV. So what?
You don't get smarter by not learning stuff.
We're smarter and more innovative when we're diverse.
We need to get smarter about hardware and software innovation in order to get the most value from the emerging Internet of Things.
We hire people who are smarter than us.
We assume that good-looking people are smarter and more effective than they really are, and that homely people are the reverse.
Voters are smarter than Republicans think they are.
These Millennials are volunteering more; they're smarter than ever.
There's no smarter politician out there than Bill Clinton.
There has to be a better, smarter way to authenticate who somebody is. Social Security numbers are floating out there everywhere.
There are plenty of people smarter than you by a long way. I just got lucky.
The unconscious is much smarter than the conscious.
The more injuries you get, the smarter you get.
Smarter is always the answer.
Another person who's smarter than I. What a relief to not have to be the smartest guy anymore.
I am not smarter than anyone else.
People are a lot smarter than anyone gives them credit for being.
As veterans we should be smarter about how we talk about things.
I am smarter because I stayed in school, and I am a better football player.
I've got to be smarter with the football.
Men don't get smarter when they grow older. They just lose their hair.
All I care about is getting smarter and better.
I'm a little smarter than most.
Audiences are smarter than ever; they know if filmmakers cheat an environment.
As I matured, I became a smarter person, a more sensitive person, a more thinking person.
I'm getting older, and I'm smarter about how I eat.
It's smarter to look at portions than to count calories.