As a kid, I always loved sneakers and style.
Basketball sneakers are for people who want to be comfortable. I rather be uncomfortable and just look nice.
For sure, my sneakers gotta match my jacket.
Fresh sneakers are important on a man. It's like a new pair of boxers or a new pair of socks.
I am finicky about making sure my sneakers are pretty tight. It is almost like a superstition for me.
I have as many pairs of sneakers as I have shoes.
I like jeans with sneakers or boots.
I prefer jeans to a suit, sneakers to high heels, markets to malls.
I used to wear sneakers with those nice suits because I wanted Victor Sifuentes to have a bounce in the courtroom.
I'm a sneaker head. You'll find more sneakers than heels in my closet.
I've retired my sneakers for stilettos, baby!
I've signed a few sneakers in my day.
Not obsessed with particularly Nike, but sneakers in general. I love them.
Sneakers are not my thing.
Sneakers have become a significant category for us and a very tangible reminder that what our customers want and wear is changing.
You know, 65-year-olds love sneakers because they make them feel forty.