Soap has a high ph that can disrupt the outer layer of your skin and cause inflammation and dryness.
With soap baptism is a good thing.
What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.
Soap and education are not as sudden as a massacre but they are more deadly in the long run.
We get on our soapbox and remind people that everyone older than 6 months needs to be vaccinated every year.
It is a loss of soap to wash the ass's head.
The remedy for dirt is soap and water. The remedy for dying is living.
What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul.
But what do they amount to? It is confined and contained to a soap opera-like exchange that never leads to anything of consequence.
If I start buying dish soap and other things there, I will have hit the big time.
I was on a Swedish soap opera when I was 10.
As a novelist, I have a somewhat higher soapbox to stand on than most people do when it comes to talking back to the merchants of fear.
Reproaches are the soap of the heart.
Soap is grey but it used to be white.
In a soap maker's house, a person who doesn't fall, slips.
I have to stay in soaps to pay my bills to Kodak.
What is elegance? Soap and water!
Who has to have a soapbox when all you've ever needed is your voice?
If you stand on a soapbox and trade rhetoric with a dictator you never win.
I was offered daily soaps in the past but that was something I did not want to take up.
Soap operas were my first professional experiences, and I always knew I was eager to explore a lot more work in a lot more arenas.
My soap operas have been seen by a billion people all around the world.
No character in a soap is indispensable.
Writing for a soap - writing for 25 characters day in, day out - is one of the most difficult jobs in Hollywood.
I started in this business on soap operas.
My mom was on a soap opera for 40 years, so I know about love and romance.
I have turned down soaps operas. I want to be outside, and I want to have the gun. It is cowboys and Indians to me.
Soap opera seems to be a dirty word, but actually they are the most popular shows we have.
Don't be fooled by how clean the turban is, the soap was probably bought on credit.
I vowed I would never do a commercial, or a soap opera - both of which I did as soon as I left the Acting Company and was starving.