As anybody who uses Microsoft products knows, whenever you upgrade any technical product, there are always problems.
We're building a software platform that reimagines the path to personal fitness.
In a car, if you had software that can sync with your wechat, that would be very useful.
I was always very softly spoken and kinda looked after myself.
In short, software is eating the world.
I'm a softball player. I'm a soccer player. I played tennis every day. I love being outside.
Oh, filmmakers, please don't take my soft book and turn it into a horror, or take my horror and make it soft.
Brave men are all vertebrates; they have their softness on the surface and their toughness in the middle.
Back to Microsoft days, I'm always looking for, 'OK, that's great, but what can go wrong?'
Why am I so soft in the middle when the rest of my life is so hard?
September blow soft till the fruit's in the loft.
We're systems software people ourselves. We wanted a language to make our lives better.
I will be seen as a software engineer in 'Betaludu.' My character is totally different from what I have played in the past.
The useful part of Microsoft was that everything worked together.
I've got a soft spot for Theatr Colwyn because my granddad used to run the Colwyn amateur dramatic society in the 1930s.
Music, when soft voices die, vibrates in the memory; odors, when sweet violets sicken, live within the sense they quicken.
Microsoft isn't stupid.
I believe Microsoft has every right to operate a PC app store and to curate it how they choose.
Software patents are dangerous to software developers because they impose monopolies on software ideas.
Muscle is a soft tissue in the body of humans and animals. Its main purpose is to produce force and motion.
Have a mouth as sharp as a dagger, but a heart as soft as tofu.
There is nothing harder than the softness of indifference.
We have most of the software industry running Autonomy.
I do have a soft corner for rom-coms, but at the same time, I like drama, too.
I have a soft spot for Iowa.
There is no softer target in GOP primaries than the United Nations and foreign-aid spending.
Software is eating the financial services industry. We have a large addressable market for PayPal to play in.
Bloomberg is an overpriced legacy software system that subsidizes a money-losing media company.
Who can more softly bind the wound of another as he who has felt the same wound himself ?
Soft fire makes sweet malt.