I'm tired of being this solemn poet of the masses, the enigma shrouded in a mystery.
Childhood is frequently a solemn business for those inside it.
Expressions of solemn testimony have long been important to the children of God upon the earth.
To the solemn graves, near a lonely cemetery, my heart like a muffled drum is beating funeral marches.
If elected president, it will be my solemn duty to always hold myself accountable to the American people. They deserve nothing less.
One sweetly solemn thought, comes to me o'er and o'er; I am nearer home today, than I ever have been before.
Tonight - by taking this solemn oath - I am no longer a private citizen but the Mayor of the City of Chicago.
Feasts must be solemn and rare, or else they cease to be feasts.
Never take a solemn oath. People think you mean it.
We have made a solemn vow to fight terrorism, it has no place in islam ... To tag milf as terrorist group is unfair.
Electors have a solemn responsibility under the constitution and we support their efforts to have their questions addressed.
It's very solemn if you know the story of what happened there.
A solemn funeral is inconceivable to the chinese mind.
The butler entered the room, a solemn procession of one.
A brilliant epigram is a solemn platitude gone to a masquerade ball.