Someone like Roman Polanski comes with a lifetime of achievement, cinematically.
Either someone reduced it or something else happened, a mechanical failure, we don't know.
When someone shows confidence in you, you want to reward it back.
If someone builds a fortune, it belongs to him, not the government. An entitled government undermines liberty.
As an actor, you buy into someone else's dream and make it your own, and you don't lose sight of that.
As Secretary of State, we need someone with sound judgment, ask tough questions, and should not be willing to just read talking points.
When someone tells me not to do something, I'll do it more.
From someone else's cart you have to get off halfway.
I'd like to be someone on 'Games of Thrones.'
I'm happy that Holloway is the champion. An example, someone who deserved being where he is.
Someone who is an artist can say, 'I can create and can make what I create disappear.'
I think of myself as someone who's trying to be a great songwriter and a great performer. And I mean really great.
As an employee, you can't work for someone forever.
It's not unusual for someone running for Senate in Illinois to come see me.
I am always open to when someone says, 'Let's do it this way.'
We shouldn't be intimidated by someone else's idea of perfection if it will prevent us from taking steps we actively want to take.
It is unacceptable that someone can work full time - and work hard - and not be able to lift themselves out of poverty.
Someone in Washington needs to get serious about fixing the tax code. That is what needs to happen.
I watched it go on and shook my head, everyone was shoving liabilities to someone else.
No, I saw that in the media, someone misunderstood something I said. I didn't believe that and didn't say that.
I can only imagine chapo or someone in his circle was given the blueprints of the prison.
An editor is someone who separates the wheat from the chaff and then prints the chaff.
I'm someone who does not like a bunker mentality and does not like groupthink.
Someone who knew me when I was 14 said I was the oldest 14-year-old on the planet. Now I'm a 14-year-old who is 60.
A literary critic is someone who can't write, but who loves to show he would have been a wonderful writer if only he could!
In the '70s, as a kid, someone took me to a Tournee of Animation festival at the L.A. County Museum of Art.
When someone comes along and expresses him or herself as freely as they think, people flock to it. They enjoy it.
For me, doing an interview with someone is like having therapy.
As someone who has moved around a fair amount, I wondered what it would be like to stay rooted to one place, one community.
When you hear someone from the very north of Scotland speaking, I think its nice, very musical and harmonious.