Speedy rise, speedy fall.
Success to you! God speed the craft! As the hangman said to the judge.
Discreet stops make speedy journeys.
Speed and accuracy do not agree.
An honest tale speeds best.
Speedy execution is the mother of good fortune.
Hasty speed don't oft succeed.
It is hasty speed that doesn't succeed.
"Success to you! God speed the craft!" as the hangman said to the judge.
The steed does not retain its speed forever.
Things hatched in discord are not speedily terminated.
Don't look for speed in a cheap horse; be content if it neighs.
Speedy exception is the mother of good fortune.
It's the steady, constant driving to the goal for which you're striving, not the speed with which you travel, that will make your victory sure.
E = mc^2: energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.
We did hit a speed bump.
I don't feel like my speed or my power or my desire to play this game has diminished at all.
What we fear comes to pass more speedily than what we hope.
This will enable us to speed up innovation and create a group level platform.
Too often, the only way to speed things up is to break the rules.
Life is like a ten speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.
It's moving at a speed that make a glacier look like it's been taking anabolic steroids.
Aerodactyl is the fastest Rock-type Pokémon, with a base Speed of 130.
The orbital speed of Uranus is 6.6 km per second!
Speed was one of the criteria for me - one of my strengths. But I had to use them all... Everything I had.
Speed is something I always worked on really hard.
It's not magic! It's physics. The speed of the turn is what keeps you upright. It's like a spinning top.
Nobody would be killed on the roads if the speed limit were 10 miles an hour.
Networked science has the potential to speed up dramatically the rate of discovery across all of science.