There are 294 steps on the north side of the tower and 296 steps on the south side.
These are significant steps in the ongoing fight against antisemitism and the BDS movement on college campuses.
We will step up the dialogue.
We are a step further, this is an important step.
Every failure is a step to success...
At least someone has stepped up and taken responsibility. Now we'll see what happens about compensating the families.
At least someone has stepped up and taken responsibility.
As a first step I now give the order to the armed forces of Ukraine ... To cease fire at 0000 hours on February 15.
The statement that you make is, you step down, that's what you do.
Steps need to be taken now, waiting until there's an eruption will be too late.
If they are stepping on the accelerator, that means they like what they're seeing, and it's worthy of more investment.
Only by staying a step ahead of these cyber threats can we ensure the security of our financial system.
We are trying to stay a step ahead.
That's going to be a tremendous step forward over where we are today.
We have definitely made steps but need to make strides for this to be sorted in our time.
Stepping into that vacuum are the candidates who are now tearing at the fabric of the old conservative coalition.
My decision to step aside as CEO is solely to support the best interests of USA Gymnastics at this time.
The greatest step towards a life of simplicity is to learn to let go."
A useful first step is to stop cutting down trees in the first place, that's still happening on a large scale.
Finally there are concrete steps toward a joint European refugee policy.
Using Initials was the first step by mankind towards secularism
Today's Success is tomorrow's Stepping Stone....
Discipline is the first step towards perseverance.
The main step is that Iran must completely change its foreign policy towards the countries of the region.
I am an Iranian, and I have taken no step against my homeland.
We're going to step it up and be more aggressive this time.
This is the first step for justice.
This one step choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything.
This is the first step of the board taking control and taking steps to put the company in good standing.
It's a good first step but what we need to see now is the rhetoric translated into reality.