The wise man stops being wise when he gets angry.
When your mind stops working, don't forget to turn off the sound.
Kevin McReynolds stops at third and he scores.
Once your IQ is 150 or over, it stops beings ability and becomes a disability.
Who's to say where funny stops and 'too far' starts?
I'm interested in what stops people getting what they want.
An addict never stops growing. Stupider.
Hollywood stops hiring their star leading ladies when they turn 40. It's very defeating.
Work is a great blotter up. It stops you thinking, which is useful. No, it stops you feeling.
The buck stops here!
When the uncreative tell the creative what to do, it stops being art.
The temple bell stops but I still hear the sound coming out of the flowers.
If everybody just stops caring about politics, we're going to lose the reins on our government.
When it stops being fun, stop.
A winner never stops trying.
I don't think one ever stops struggling.
So far, my goals stops at making an Olympic team, and then if that happens, then I'll jot down more goals.
Violence on the community stops when the soul matures.
When I cook, my brain stops completely.
It's indifference and ignorance that stops people from doing the right thing.
The problem for the Left, however, is that the moment it stops painting the Right as vile, it has to argue the issues.
Living with fear stops us taking risks, and if you don't go out on the branch, you're never going to get the best fruit.
I wrote 'Time Stops at Shamli' in 1956, shortly after 'The Room on the Roof' was published, and I couldn't find anyone to publish it.
Felixstowe, the United Kingdom's largest port, stops work only for Christmas Day and for crane-toppling Force 9 gales.
If there's a song that stops meaning anything to me, then I'll quit playing it.
Wonder is from surprise, and surprise stops with experience.
I have a mind that never stops working. As a matter of fact, it torments me.
Well, first of all it's entertainment. That stops us becoming too pretentious or thinking we're great artists.
When you have fun doing something, it stops being work, really.
One stops being a child when one realizes that telling one's trouble does not make it any better.