Only a strategic and long-term relationship (with russia) can continue this cooperation.
We are doing this for our own strategic reasons, the fact that you don't see the others here speaks for itself.
This particular event may be small, but from a strategic perspective, it is a lot more material.
It has close strategic interests with some countries and so with a good fighter jet product as well then the stars align.
As we execute on deutsche bank's strategic agenda, now is the right time for us to sell this investment.
A lot of the strategic focus is going to be on what they do with this cash infusion.
We'll continue to invest in short-form video content, which is strategic for us.
It is a strategic sector, it is core business ... It is a sector where we are investing, also in britain.
Russia can become a strategic partner in a fight against international terrorism.
Control is the source of strategic power.
Teamwork is a strategic decision.
I believe that to further strategic growth and development via design, we need to have a set of public design policies.
The strategic marketing paradigm of Open Source is a massively-parallel drunkard's walk filtered by a Darwinistic process.
I like to be a strategic policy guy.
I've been very strategic in how I've approached the jobs I want to do.
The strategic and financial sense of these transactions was only reinforced as the industrial commodity environment weakened.
The state's attorney has no credibility, this was strategically covered up.
The one big strategic error - which was a political error and an economic error of grand proportions - was the prescription drug bill.
The most likely outcome is the restarting of the strategic stability talks between the u.s. And russia.
The more Strategic Work you do, the more effective, productive, and joyful the Tactical Work becomes.
The historic lesson is that it was a strategic failure to go into Iraq. History will not be and should not be kind with that decision.
The era of strategic patience is over.
The consortium has committed, long-term strategic investors, the funding is in place.
The biggest barriers to strategic renewal are almost always top management's unexamined beliefs.
That to me is the first time in my recollection that we strategically targeted based on threat finance information.
That is why Yanzhou sees this as a strategic long term investment, because it is not beholden to what happens in China.
Strategic planning is worthless - unless there is first a strategic vision.
Strategic partnership is based on a shared set of values.