Youth may stray afar yet return at last.
Besides stray instances of acting in school and college, I hadn't prepared myself to be an actor.
Please be nice, be kind to stray animals, dogs, and adopt them.
I stray away from formulaic, the formatted.
They have to be very careful they don't stray from the benchmarks as measured by the tracking error.
Stray and feral cats which live outdoors have a life span of around 4 years. Those which live indoors can live up to 16 years or more.
Never stray from life's purpose. Refrain from counting someone else's blessings instead of your own.
Every time I stray away from the Lord's word, I find emptiness and darkness.
It's easy to be led astray when you're so broken. People take advantage of you.
Stray cattle roam every lane and alley, but we are building cow shelters and trying to resolve the problem.
One million stray dogs and 500,000 stray cats live in New York City metropolitan area.
My mind is led astray by every faint rustle.