I'm always studying my craft because I want to be the best at what I do.
It is too late to be studying Hebrew; it is more important to understand even the slang of today.
I've always enjoyed studying the small clues that indicate a particular class level.
I was studying political science; I was adamant that I was going to follow in my father's footsteps.
I was just studying with my father, a very difficult task for me since he was a great, great Qawwali singer.
I grew up studying ballet; I grew up honing my craft.
If children are studying the 20th century, I'm in their text books.
I was studying acting, going to UCLA, selling real estate on the weekends.
After years of studying French in school, one of my professors said he'd really appreciate it if I didn't take any more French.
So I'm studying ballet every day and really training so people will see me as a ballet dancer, which no one's seen before.
I've been studying myself because I always want to improve.
I spent my life studying communism and Soviet systems.
I've really been studying lyrics, printing out lyrics to songs I love and reading them like a letter.
By the time I was 12 or 13, I was studying biochemistry textbooks.
I used to like studying a lot.
As a student studying acting, I was always broke, so going to see any live theater was almost impossible.
Well I started studying to help me with these commercial auditions and I just loved it.
What you learn from studying acting is that you have to have the courage to just make strong choices.
If I wasn't modeling, I'd be studying economics or international politics.
I'm studying at A&M, and that takes so much hard work, so much dedication, and that effort is very tough.
When I was 18 and was studying in university, Vladimir Putin became president of Russia.
As well as observing and studying animals, zoologists may spend time writing research articles and reports.
We believe we are studying the occurrence of new symptoms that weren't present at the beginning of the study.
I started studying Jeet Kune Do in my early 20s.
My siblings and I grew up studying from both the Bhagavad-Gita and the Bible, going to Mass, and then coming home to a yoga kirtan.
Studying music, everyone sort of has their own style - it's not like everyone's going for the same part.
I've been studying the planets and learning the personalities of each planet.
After studying art, I was a painter for a while and was asked to audition for a movie randomly. I hadn't thought of acting before that.