All stories come from the subconscious - which is why it doesn't make sense to over-plan.
Everyone has a subconscious and automatic preference of this over that. Once you're aware of that, you can take steps to change.
I guess subconsciously that all the great people you work with have an influence on you.
I think subconsciously people are remarkably discerning. I think that they can sense care.
In general, when it comes to AI, many of us subconsciously cling to the selfish notion that humanity is the endpoint of evolution.
Magic symbolises the subconscious - that part of us that is creative and powerful that we sometimes don't tap into.
Maybe subconsciously I've kept activism separate from acting because it's important to me in a more profound way.
My brain subconsciously limits itself to panel compositions that my hand can actually draw.
Only one thing registers on the subconscious mind repetitive application - practice. What you practice is what you manifest.
The subconscious doesn't distinguish sarcasm and jokes. It just accepts what it hears. That's the power of words.
The subconscious is ceaselessly murmuring, and it is by listening to these murmurs that one hears the truth.