In 1995, sanctions led Sudan to cut its ties with terrorists and expel Osama bin Laden.
Sudan has more pyramids than any country with 255. They outnumber egyptian pyramids by twice the amount.
The people of the Sudan expect a lot from the institution of the presidency, and we should live up to their expectations.
I only lived in Sudan until I was four years, so I cannot really relate to that. It is just a different lifestyle.
Sudan is not Arab enough for Arabs and not African enough for Africans.
Sudan cannot afford to be on the wrong side of history. The north and south will have to work together, but will they?
Sudan expelled bin Laden on May 18, 1996, to Afghanistan.
Men from my tribe in Sudan - the Dinka tribe - are very tall, so you could say I was born to play basketball.
The Sudan bombing is a blot on the Clinton presidency, and a blot it ought to remain.
South Sudan and its people are at a precarious crossroads between being and not being.
If the government expelled unamid, we would have to leave sudan with them, because no one else will protect us.
Sudan is currently old and may not be able to naturally mount and mate with a female.
If Sudan starts to crumble, the shock waves will spread.
I grew up in Sudan and Kenya, and lived in both the rural and urban centers of both countries throughout my life.
When I was a girl, civil war in Sudan forced me to flee my home town of Wau.