The weapon of the advocate is the sword of the soldier, not the dagger of the assassin.
We are happy to negotiate, but it mustn't be under a sword of damocles.
To arms! To arms! Ye brave! The avenging sword unsheathe, march on! March on! All hearts resolved on victory or death!
The sword of reality is the saint's protection.
I do the 'New York Times' crossword puzzle every morning to keep the old grey matter ticking.
Never leave a crossword unfinished.
A good sword is the one left in its scabbard.
I'm patient with crossword puzzles and the most impatient golfer.
I'm useless with a sword in real life.
As water runs towards the sword money towards the rich man's hand.
Indulge not thyself in the passion of anger; it is whetting a sword to wound thine own breast, or murder thy friend.
In this game of baseball, you live by the sword and die by it. You hit and get hit. Remember that.
God grant me a good sword and no use for it.
Even after Sword was published, I was still only thinking about the next book, Elfstones.
The sword is the axis of the world, and grandeur is indivisible.
One sword keeps another in its scabbard.
The sword keeps the peace of the land.
When the sword of rebellion is drawn, the sheath should be thrown away.
A short sword for a brave man.
Who draws his sword against his prince must throw away his scabbard.
Whosoever draws his sword against the prince must throw the scabbard away.
He who plays with a sword plays with the devil.
Never give a sword to a fool or power to an unjust man.
Come a little closer when your sword is too short.
Don't take a golden sword to cut a radish.
Do not draw your sword to kill a fly.
A sword anointed with honey.
A sword of lead in a scabbard of ivory.
Let not your sword be drawn at any man's bidding.
Trust not a sword in the hands of a boy.