The heart of a woman is not united; it is divided. While she is talking with one man, she looks lustfully at another and thinks fondly of a third in her heart.
Think with the wise, but talk with the vulgar.
It's fatal to talk about acting. It sounds faintly ridiculous if you start analysing it.
I don't want to talk about Nicki Minaj anymore.
I used to not talk much to anyone about my investments.
Good talk saves the food.
If sorrow would not talk it would die.
You talk to a deaf man.
To talk without thinking is to shoot without aiming.
When you don't know what you're talking about, it's hard to know when you're finished.
When I was born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half.
We're already talking to a few companies who are able to partner with us in advanced development.
I will talk and act, not on my knees, but with prudence.
I've always said, 'Besides Kiefer Sutherland, I talked on a cell phone more than any other actor on a TV show.'
I don't like the idea of talking down to kids. I think I was talked down to, and you rebel against that.
The other side is not talking issues, it's talking insults.
I feel bad about it, but they wouldn't talk to me. I'm sure they've forgiven me.
I'm a germophobe, so I don't like people talking over my food, breathing, spitting, anything. Just let me eat in peace.
I've actually never talked about it or I haven't read about that. I've never asked him that.
But I've found that to talk too much about movies is the kiss of death. If it happens then it happens, is all.
First, I don't talk to Derek Fisher. He's not my type of guy.
I don't like to talk about things till someone asks about them.
I never talk about my opponent because I don't think it's my right to judge.
My biggest fears I can't talk about. And my biggest fear is that those fears happen, and I can't stop it.
I talk to God, but the sky is empty.
We are talking about every possible way that we can adjust the flows.
A woman talks to one man, looks at another, and thinks about a third.
The one thing I'm going to steer clear of is talking about timelines, you can't set the bar and consider time a success.
After three days without reading, talk becomes flavorless.
I don't have to talk about critics - I don't care.