When I die, my epitaph should read: she paid the bills.
Music and sex both tap into a very primitive part of your brain, and that's why the two go so well together.
Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
If the whole human race lay in one grave, the epitaph on its headstone might well be: "it seemed a good idea at the time."
Petrobras needed to tap the market, since one of the company's pressing issues was liquidity.
Values are tapes we play on the walkman of the mind any tune we choose so long as it does not disturb others.
When I tried to videotape her with my cell phone.
As a child, jim carrey wore tap shoes to bed just in case his parents needed cheering up in the middle of the night.
The tap water in Canada is actually better for you than the bottled water there.
After the battle, a tapestry was made to commemorate William's victory. It is called "The Bayeux Tapestry" and depicts many details about the battle.
When there are things I see on tape that I think I can get better at, it frustrates me.
I wrote my epitaph He started out a particle and ended up a wave.
A tendency to make metaphorical connections is an occupational hazard for those of us who write.
Neurohumanities offers a way to tap the popular enthusiasm for science and, in part, gin up more funding for humanities.
Psychics tap into what is collective our regret and our sense of time going by; our common repression and anxieties.
An epitaph is a belated advertisement for a line of goods that has been discontinued.
I would love to be able to tap dance.
My wardrobe staple is simple shirt dresses. They never date, and you can put them with a heel or a flat sandal.
The unrest which keeps the never-stopping clock metaphysics going is the thought that the non-existence of this world is just as possible as its existence.
We are such materialists that all our metaphors are going to be material.
If I can make someone tap out with my ankle lock it would be Sasha Banks.
We are tapping into what the israeli consumer wants today. They want to see new competition and aggressive pricing.
I was pretty much tap dancing for attention from a very early age.
We use metaphors to express our own truths.
Emo mimes they rock out to mute blank tapes next door.
The thing about metaphors is that, if you give them away, you give away the mystery.
The juxtaposition between fishing and touring couldn't be greater.
That's basically what I'm doing when I'm tapping them - getting my toes to the end of my shoes.