'The Who' created the Daltrey/Townshend Center at UCLA for teenage hospital patients with cancer. It's the only one of its kind.
A teenage foot that never tapped to 'Heartbreak Hotel' in the '50s probably belonged to a hopeless grind.
A teenager has to decide what they're going to do with their life, and that's one of the most important decisions that you'll make.
Apart from a small minority, teenage boys fall into three distinct categories macho, metro, or just plain muddled.
As a 15-year-old teenage girl, I can attest to the fact that boys dominate most conversations between girls my age.
As a teenage fisherman, I watched and followed terns to find fish. Later, I studied terns for my Ph.D.
As a teenager I was clinically depressed. Although I had lots of friends, I found those years very difficult.
As a teenager I was more of an anarchist, but now I want people to thrive and be harmonious.
As a teenager I went all Goth, but I wasn't mopey enough. I would pretend to be, but I'd end up making people laugh.
As a teenager you've got a lot of stuff going on all the time. It's hard to find a couple extra hours of sleep.
Because teenagers don't have adult responsibilities yet, you can create your own drama, and it's a universe of your own emotions.
Being a teenager is as difficult as living with one. And we've all been there. Perhaps that's the reason we're so hard on them.
Chrissie Hynde is the blueprint for any teenage pop star wannabe looking to have some real cred.
During teenager times, the feelings of longing is perhaps at its most strong and profound because everything feels multiplied by ten.
Every teenage artist out there is mostly talking about boys, and I think there's so much more to being a teenager than just boys.
Every teenager and everybody around the ages from 10 to 18 has to go through finding out who they are.
Every teenager feels a wanting, a desire for something more, to be heard, to be seen.
Everything about being a teenager and not feeling like you fit in is just magnified by being a mutant!
Everything when you're a teenager is a projection. Or at least, for me, it was. 'Who am I gonna be?'